
Dear patients and visitors,

At SFPTI, our number one priority is always protecting the health of our patients and staff. We are all aware of the outbreak of the COVID–19 virus and he wanted to make you aware of the rational and appropriate measures we are taking to address any potential risk. We are asking our patients and their families to aide us in that effort.

First, our facility was designed with infectious disease control in mind. We have antibacterial, impermeable countertops, hands-free handwashing stations in all clinic areas, and automatic hand sanitizer dispensers throughout the department. The entire clinical facility is cleaned twice a day during clinic hours and thoroughly cleaned every evening. All employees are required to practice good hygiene. We have masks, gloves, and gowns that we use on an as-needed basis when clinically appropriate to protect the patient from us or us from the patient. We are fully compliant with all local, state, and federal regulations regarding training and competency for the management of immunocompromised patients. Thus, the advent of the coronavirus does not require major changes in the way we approach infectious diseases in the office.

As we are amid the outbreak of a novel new virus, we our instituting a few new practices to offer a higher level of protection for our patients, their families, and our staff:

If you have experienced a high fever, a severe cough, have recently traveled overseas, or have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for the COVID–19 virus, please let us know. This will not in any way affect treatment, however, there are some commonsense precautions that we will take.

In accordance with guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control in the Florida State Department of Health, our staff will be asking patients and visitors entering the building for known risk factors and potential symptoms of the virus. Based on guidelines from these experts we will proceed with the appropriate management.

In order to minimize the unanticipated risk of virus transfer from asymptomatic individuals, we are asking patients to limit the number of visitors accompanying them to one caregiver per patient.

Additionally, as they are more vulnerable, we are asking that no children under the age of 12, or family members that are on oxygen or have compromised pulmonary function, should come into the building, unless the patient is their primary caregiver.

We appreciate your understanding of the current issues affecting us all and we thank you for acting responsibly as we do our part to control the spread of this novel virus. We are always available to answer any questions you may have regarding these temporary changes.